* Guidelines on Nine Emperor Gods Prayers and Activities*

Dear Religious Leaders,

Here is MCCY’s guidelines for Nine Emperor Gods Prayers and Activities developed in consultation with Taoist Federation.

Religious organisations (ROs) are *allowed* to conduct these activities on their premises subject to existing Phase Two guidelines updated on 30 September 2020 for religious activities:

a. *Nine Emperor Gods prayer services* with no more than 100 persons at a time. For congregational worship services exceeding 50 persons, worshippers must be divided into zones holding no more than 50 persons each.

b. Worshippers can *burn incense and joss paper* within the premises of the place of worship.

c. ROs can also conduct Nine Emperor Gods prayers in venues outside of places of worship subject to conditions and approvals by the relevant authorities or premise owners.

*NOT allowed*: other Nine Emperor Gods activities such as *sit-down dinners, live auctions, live performance (e.g. getais, Chinese Opera, Lion Dance), vehicular processions*

Please refer to MCCY’s advisory at for more detailed guidance on how to safely conduct the Nine Emperor Gods prayers and activities.

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