Taoist Federation was founded in 1990 our local priests and devotee, and it is the only national-level organisation for our Taoists in Singapore. The application to register the “Taoist Federation (Singapore)” was submitted to the Registry of Societies in June 1989, and was approved in February 1990. On 11 March 1990, a meeting was scheduled to official announce the establishment of the Taoist Federation (Singapore) followed by the appointment ceremony. Master Tan Kok Hean, PBM was appointed as the chairman and the committee members were appointed from the representative of the various temples.
Mr. Tan Thiam Lye, BBM took over as the chairman of the Taoist Federation in 2002. With the strong support from devotees and the public both locally, overseas, and the hard work of our committee members, the Federation promotes Taoism internationally through exchange programmes, and we also work closely with various organisations including government agencies to serve the community and benefitting all mankind.
In the same year, our magazine titled 《狮城道教》 (Journal of Taoism) was published to create a channel for public to understand Taoism and to appreciate the Taoist culture. The Taoist Federation is also active in promoting Inter-faith understanding between the various religious communities in Singapore.
Our aims:
- To promote, organise or finance educational, cultural, social, and other activities for greater public awareness, understanding of the Taoist culture and traditions.
- To encourage, finance or undertake research related to the Taoist culture and traditions.
- To organise, participate, or help in the community and welfare service.
- To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the above objects or any of them.