Taoist Federation (Singapore) Celebrates Taoist Day 2020

Taoist Federation conducted a day of prayers to commemorate Taoist Day – the Birthday of Taishang Laojun – at the San Qing Gong Temple on 15th Lunar Feb (8th March 2020). HHokkien Taoist priests conducting the Opening Rites at 9:30am.

The Chairman of Taoist Federation, Tan Thiam Lye BBM(L), Vice Chairman Mr. Lee Kim Tee, Mr. Chin Fook Siang, Mr. Tiong Choo Chye, Committee Member Mr. Ang Kok Seng, Special Exco-member Master Long Say Keng, Mr. Lim Kok Boon and other Management Committee Members attended the celebrations.

Members of Management Committee and Youth Group pray the San Qing Dao Zu and other Gods at noon.

Masters from Xian Dang Gong pray for the celebration from 1:30pm.

The Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple Scripture Chanting Class pray for the celebration from 3:30pm.

Taoist Orchestra Singapore pray for the celebration from 6:00pm.




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